Sunday, June 4, 2017

A Perfect Goodbye

This morning I awoke expecting the pitch black of the middle of the night. (Well, 3:30 am technically) To my slight surprise, as I glanced out the window I saw a murky grey sky and not a black one - I suppose that's due to all the lights from the city. Any ways, after a speedy change into somewhat warm clothes, I carefully attempted a     quiet exit from my room and tiptoed up the stairs to the lobby where I was met by Allie, Emily, and Maggie. We then crept out into the waiting (semi) darkness. It was 3:45 am.

A ten minute tube ride and a walk of the same length later, Primrose Hill rose into view. We arrived at the top, hearts pumping and bodies full of heat, completely oblivious to the cold wind that was scampering over our skin. Resigning ourselves to the fact that anywhere we sat the damp grass would soak through our clothing, we picked a spot near the peak of the hill and gazed at the horizon and the most beautiful view of the London skyline! We settled in and waited for the sun to rise. It was 4:15 am.
Somewhat unfortunately for us the weather was typical London weather and the sun was nowhere to be seen. Vast clouds and a grey fog swirled above our now familiar landmarks, while frosty puffs of wind began to gnaw through our layers of clothing. Though chilled and chattering, we sat and stared at that horizon, taking in every last drop of the landscape. The knowledge that it was our last morning in London weighed heavily on our hearts, only adding to the somber note that the missing sun provided. After a few moments of silence to appreciate the serene quiet and beauty of what lay before us, our usual lively conversation began.

The sun never made an appearance, but we were witness to a gradual brightening of the sky and a faint orange glow that seemed to emanate from the city skyline, highlighting the contrast between tall and short buildings. Eventually the cold wind and heavy eyelids forced us to our feet, and our journey back to warm beds began. It was 5:30 am.
 At 9:00 am my alarm went off for the second time today and I rolled out of bed, even more tired than when I had crawled in. After a lengthy last breakfast, we said goodbye to Maggie, who was headed home early for a sister's graduation. Next stop? Twining’s, an incredible tea shop! Needless to say, I am flying back with my carry on’s volume being half tea.
Our last day in London is coming to a close, and so we completed the last remaining items on our bucket lists - the National Gallery, lunch in Leicester Square (the actual grassy square), a quaint old bookstore where many books were purchased, and Abbey Road.

Farewell London.

Your loving friend,

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