Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Parakeets and Princes in the Park

Today we adventured through Hyde Park in London. The park is huge and BEAUTIFUL. First, we wandered through the rose garden and my friend Alex had a blast pointing out all the different species of flowers to us. We passed an artist who was, fittingly, painting the roses red (on canvas of course). As we continued to wander I loved seeing all of the different gardens that each acted as a small ecosystem of various plants, birds, and small animals. I was absolutely fascinated when we walked by a man (who I can only assume is a Disney Prince) covered in parakeets. Yes, bright green parakeets! At first, we thought they must be his pets as there were four of them happily perched on his shoulders, arms, and hands. Then we looked up. There were dozens of parakeets flying in and out of the trees. After a few Snapchats we moved on from the scene and eventually discovered a sign identifying bird species of the park and wouldn't you know it, Wild Parakeet was on the list. When I got back to the hotel I looked up some more info and basically: no one knows where they came from. There are rumors they escaped from a film set, one too many people let their pets escape, the storm of 1987 caused their appearance, and even that Jimmy Hendrix released a pair of mating birds as part of a stunt. None are confirmed. The rest of the park was just as stunning. Fountains, swans, gardens, rowboats, trees, squirrels, and even goslings (unfortunately no Ryan's however). I highly recommend this location if you are in London.


  1. We should definitely go back and visit the other side of the park! Also, I just looked up what a baby swan is called, because those little things were adorable, and apparently they are called cygnets. So there's a fun fact for the day!

  2. I love the title!! Hyde Park has been one of my favorite places to visit just because it is so pretty. Interesting to know that no one knows where the parakeets came from!

  3. Hyde park is a great place to visit. I've been there twice now and have seen new things each time. It must have been so cool to see the guy with the parakeets on him. It would be interesting to see why the parakeets actually came to be in the park.

  4. Hyde park is simply beautiful! My favorite part of it is the Rose Garden! I think it's so cool that Alex knows so much about plants! I remember in general you would point to different plants and Alex could name them without hesitation! As for the prince I am jealous! What a real life fairy tale! Was he singing too? Or is that too 'Disney princess' instead of a 'Disney prince'?(:
